White Insurrection: A Tired, And Treacherous, Treasonous Direction

Photo by Louis Velazquez on Unsplash

First published on Medium.


Too many white people do not accept, or even know about, the horribly awful parts of our history, and refuse to believe there was such a time; whites in power have purposely shrouded our past in myth and mystery, and still employ denial to cover up our every crime.


There has never been a time in the United States when whites did not subjugate, or suffocate others. Their insurrectionshave always been against the truth governing their actions. Enough truth slips out to form their beautified myths; every other terrible milligram of truth is squeezed out, or smothered cold. This capacity of truth denial comes from the hubris permitted by white male testosterone infused and confused violence.


Without using overwhelming violence, the history of white people would likely be average. Not because we could not have done better, but violence became our constant companion, and irresistible go to. Ever since the flourishing of the Athenian Greeks, white western culture has devolved into violence and fear mongering as its main advancement choice. Powerful whites basically had the remainder of us beat ourselves barbarian senseless, leaving education mostly to the elite. Making it possible to cajole and coerce the lowly to go battle their baseless wars of aggression, possession, and oppression.


Except for some fits and starts, American education has never been placed on a constantly ascending trajectory of excellence that the Athenians had pointed us toward. Instead our vaunted Western Civilization has been a constant death and destruction of others repetition. Hardly ever have we provided enough time, care, or thought to surpass the Athenians in any general way, a.k.a. the class stagnation, rights usurpation, and violent confrontation nation.


First, the Roman whites gathered up everything the Greeks taught them except for a deep love of education, and direct democracy, and reduced the public into a republic so as to take more power from the people. Although the Athenian Greeks did not get it all right, the Romans were devolving, not improving things for the average person, or the other in their midst. The Roman republic and empire gave way to the Roman catholic empire.


Then these white religious orders coveted, and alone consumed, all the knowledge available, producing little new knowledge compared to the Athenians. “We will teach you the same stories from a religious book we translated, wrote, and fixed in time. The lower classes will not learn to read it, or learn much of anything else. This is while we alone improve our knowledge of other things from the past, and just learn a few new non-god things about our world today.”. The church taught them to despise and distrust their supposed barbarian neighbors, and encouraged their race to slaughter the distant infidel or savage other, continually for centuries.


After the Middle Ages, catholics lost their overall dominance. But still both white protestant and catholic kings educated only the wealthy 1%, and forced everyone else to eat cake, or rather dirt for nearly half a millennium more. War, infighting, and subjugating women and others not like them, was their chosen modus operandi. While the whites in power were always improving their war tools, their egocentric morals, lack of consistent ethics, wealth engorging, ruination of those below them, and other hateful actions continued mostly unabated.


White people came to America with violence as their first, and most precious pursuit: violence against the land, the native peoples, and those who toiled for them. The slaughter fest war cries of whites were jarring, scarring, and no-holds barring. The careless and ignorant spread of disease was the most gentle aspect of white nature in any prevalent quantity or consistency. Engorging on gold unleashed their Kraken, cold-blooded murder craving, and environment destruction behaving.


But white people called the natives savages, and the whites believed they were the civilized race. That injudicious, and scatterbrain belief provides another confirmation of our ignorance degeneracy. White savagery was, and is, instituted in so many forms it would take one hundred thousand such essays to even put a dent in its full effect up to this point, as well as the future damage it will do without a serious recalibration.


This lack of valuing public education was solidified by the slave holder, christian sects who outlawed education for slaves, and never provided it to poorer Southern whites. The federal government also got into the christian education horror movement with its Indian schools law that cut the hair off, stripped away the home life, and tore the cultures from, native children. There is our church-state mixing, faith-based fuckery in action.


These degenerate sects justified white violence against children of color to convert them to their sad sack of shit religious ideas. Such religious dogmatists must have been promoting horrible doggerel if punishment was required to make anyone appreciate it.


Do not get me started on military academies for white (proud) boys, a.k.a. severely testosterone prone, puberty raging drone, to spousal violence, hating others, and war pining pipeline?


There was a positive advancement blip right after our Civil War, when black men got the right to vote. Then a long fought for advancement happened in 1920 when white women (mostly) got the voting franchise. Yet none of these civil rights and legal advances had much impact, or got much traction since violence, intimidation, and subjugation was still the norm in the White House, Congress, in boardrooms, union halls, in families, and state and local governments, until the 1970s. For example, government assisted public and general education for black Americans was nearly nonexistent, especially in the South, and higher education for women was a white-male ego promenaded and dominated field.


That said, the anti-intellectualism, disdain for equal education, violence, hate of the other, and white male insurrection is still here for all to see. The white barbarians never left the gate; they merely decided to push through and over it this time. Attacking Capitol Hill has always been in the cards for the white male supremacist. All whitey needed was a leader with a huge platform and enough time to inject into the vox populi a critical level of testosterone venom. It allowed Trump to become the 21st century Jim Jones of white supremacy.


Our supposed Western Civilization, Society, Culture, Ideals, or Thought (please!), Cowboy Westerns, Country and Western music, are still embedded in, and with white male violence, willful-historical-ignorance-should-be-lauded ideas, intimidation of the other, and subjugation of some group, or many. A corrupted and violent form of slave-holder christianity imbues the heritage, and history of the current form of the movement. The larger receptive audience, and their political minions who do not take up arms, are allowed to feed the hostility and fear that makes the violence possible.


We have been here before because we allow white rage to be waiting on deck, or at the gate, all the time. White (male) violence comes from their self-selected protectors of freedoms, which excludes people of color. While for legitimate reasons, when people of color commit violence, or merely project anger in protests like Black Lives Matter, are accused of trying to take freedom from whites who are allowed to commit violence, often unopposed by the (white) governing majority like white citizens councils and the Jim Crow KKK. And as we saw on Capitol Hill, with a minimal police presence, no onsite mass arrests of rioting insurrectionists , and of course, and allowing Trump’s incitement rally, down the fucking street, in the first place!


Whites are even allowed to beat up, and kill cops because some percentage of white cops are racist simpatico. This circular, white supremacist insulating, and hate inculcating, logic is a hideous noose around communities of color to gain and sustain equal justice.


However, poor whites are strangled by this legalized circular logic as well, whether they are directly involved in the violence, or not. Except for the few whites who stand in front of the train to stop racist activity, every other white is complicit in the violence, and other travesties perpetrated against people of color. Allowing education and race segregation is the prime example of how even nice white parents harm those not like them.


Separate races and equal funding was never going to be a real thing. We may have avoided some of our racial troubles in a more successful scheme, and other inconsistencies, but the systemic corruption, and frequent white, violent disruptions, we have allowed, and even encouraged forever made it impossible. Although we must also realize that no other race needs whites as role models, or do they need any other demeaning paternalistic bullshit from whites. That said, white travesties against people of color must be reversed and repaired in multiple ways.


Structural and systemic racial division devised by whites inside our nation will have other problems, even after we achieve equality of funding. Our attempts at separation of races is something we screwed up royally and regularly as to native peoples as well. White supremacy is a failed policy in every place, and every way it has been conceived, and practiced. Yet it always leeches onto a future generation for another round of grinding out other ugly, white supremacy tropes, travesties, and tragedies.


However, separating races is a failed idea because it is, and was, based on wholly illogical and nonviable theories. It would be like making a commitment to stop the advent of the wheel, or stopping someone or some group from using that newer technology. And violence is also inherent in the attempt. While some may say violence seems inherent in mixing races, this argument is similar to getting angry at the tide. The tide goes in, and out no matter what you think, say, or do, so you need to become one with it.


Therefore, the only way to turn things around is to actually turn things around, and turn some things upside down. Then we place ourselves on a better platform that is purposefully inclusive.


Unfortunately, we have always had to stare collapse and calamity in the face before we can take significant corrective actions. Then again, these actions are often less than half measures. The white power, status quo structure sees no benefit in making such changes. They only see their sole grip on power being furrowed, winnowed, and narrowed. Backlash becomes their only response, and it brings the fear mongering, threats — and depending on their sense of the imminent change — violence, and yes also insurrection.


Ending White Insurrection Contusions.

There will be no conclusion to these contusions and historical delusions without a real change in how we approach change. The white power structure will continue to play king of the hill, and see any rising, or accomplishments by othersas a threat. This structure of ours, built on whiteness, will not become nicer or better by talking about it, or even from superior arguments at this juncture. White power must be thoroughly undermined. Not even Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, or Pilates, nor Yoda, Yoga Swami, Abe Vigoda, or Yogi Berra can help us work this out.


Violent power almost always wins out when talk is all you have. Our entire history above shows how violence, and overwhelming power provides us with significantly cruel victory over others. More personally, who wins an argument when a neighbor shows up with a loaded gun to discuss a problem he or she is having with your lot line and new fence? I think Socrates would suggest you do not open the door until the power dynamic is corrected in your favor. What do you think?


My recommendation is that we develop a new scaffolding or higher rampart to effectively reroute the current white power dynamic. Additionally, retrieve the Athenian baton of direct democracy, and employ enhanced education for all, to greatly level the power structure. I call it the WTP System or We The People System, an advanced, direct democracy, all hands on deck, powered platform of empowering with multiple assistance, civic, and worker components. Use links below.


By Richard The Chwalek.

Read more about the higher rampart and other elements of the WTP System:

>>>> a.k.a. The Fault in Our Scars…


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