Sexual Violence Bred by the Undead Patriarchal Empire

A revealing look at the puritanical twists & turns of patriarchal purity piracy.

Photo by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash.

Originally published on Medium.
Disclaimer: The essay I have written below is of my favorite type. It blends my love of history, facts, and satire. Otherwise, I like writing in the best boring dissertation style possible. Sadly, boring does not always suffice. I must warn you however, that my satire is very flexible, and not always recognizable as satire at first blush. I like sneaking into some of it. Also when I write in the first person, it may not be me alone I am referring to; it can be men in general.
Essay Pertinent Background: While I may not be the best male dude to write about women, my knowledge is likely more personally informed than most other White men, and this essay is mostly mansplaining men, and their views of women’s place in society. I write from the perspective of having 2 twenty-something daughters, and a wife, as well as growing up with four sisters [no brothers]; I am the man in the middle. We are 6 years apart, youngest to oldest.
I was a practicing Polish/Irish Catholic for the first 25 years of my life. Now I am Lutheran. Except ten years ago, we were basically excommunicated by the LCMC because we did not decide to abuse gay people, by disallowing their marriages, and ordainment. After the LCMC invaded our ELCA church, which was my wife’s great grandparent’s church, the LCMC faction drove us out, so now we are at another ELCA church.
My sister Laura, 18 months older than me, died a few years ago from breast cancer. My Irish twin sister Margaret, 10 months younger than me, also had an identical twin, but Mary only survived a day. Rebecca, the youngest, and Ann the oldest, are my other 2 sisters. My mother, Dot, worked as a registered nurse for nearly 15 years before she married our dad, a.k.a. RJC.
Family Disclaimer: Perhaps my daughters and wife should not read this essay, it is sexually explicit and unseemly in places, a format any nearly 60 year-old father should not have explored in detail, according to every 20-something daughter.


In her book, Night in the American Village, Akemi Johnson describes the relationship Americans have with the people of Okinawa, via our military and military bases. One relationship is rape, and sometimes murder. Another is other forms of sexual assault. A third is engaging sex workers. A fourth is other direct violence against women. A fifth violence-producing relationship is casual, ‘girlfriend’ sex with a soldier or sailor who impregnates a woman, then abandons her in-country. A sixth one is a marriage, then divorcing the young woman, and abandoning her with a pregnancy, or with children in-country. A seventh is the one-night — unplanned pregnancy — stand that happens right before leaving the base for war duty, or right before being discharged, then abandoning a pregnant Non-American. Lastly, the eighth relationship is raping, assaulting, or other violence against their military colleagues, subordinates, children, and American wives, and-or leaving them with children to raise.


Those and other variations are all tangled up in the bigger relationship of military servicemen, and military bases all around the world. No matter how you look at the statistics involving violence against women by the military, and at and around military bases, the results are very discouraging. However, military statistics are not the point here. The overarching point in this essay is the societal treatment of women, [their children] and the empire bred, patriarchy undead. Everyone has the capacity for violence, and every gender can be exposed to it. But hyper-fueled, testosterone violence is preeminent in men, and too frequently, predatory. The historical consistency of it in men is greatly influenced by inculturation and direct teaching, but violent outbursts and actions by males can be awakened from their innate sub-surface slumber.


  • .*Violence and trauma also occurs in ways not associated with cuts, bruises, broken bones, black eyes, concussions, rape, bullet holes, and murder. Examples include leaving women to get through pregnancy on their own, paying for their healthcare, birth or an abortion, or to raise their children, educate, and help guide the kids through life, etc. Their own future desires can be greatly limited, education may become out of reach, difficult to pursue, or put off indefinitely. Choices where, when, and who to work for are limited as well. While an untold number of women can survive and thrive by going it alone, such male abandonment can be violent and traumatic in many ways, mentally and physically.
  • However, more drastically, cowardly, and pathetically, impregnating men are nearly completely free to live with their moms and play video games into retirement, and not have another care in the world. Potentially, no matter how many pregnancies and children they produce. While this potentiality may be a slight exaggeration, the pregnancies caused by all men sure do saddle women with much more unavoidable personal responsibility than any man has ever contemplated in his corner office, or in mom’s basement.


Are All Men Violent Pigs?

Justifying the violence of warriors, and war, makes possible the justification of secondary societal violence. The empire bred, patriarchy undead, powers-that-be-male are responsible for perpetuating it. In many big and small ways these forces also sanitize the actions of men who are almost always in the middle of the violence. Saying, men are all just violent pigs, may go a bit too far, but the way in which most women are treated by the military, law enforcement, and the publicafter being raped, such a designation is much closer to exact than the current softening and sanitizing term, domestically violent [men]. Breeding violence, and then sanitizing it, is a mainstay of tired, status quo, never fully challenged, patriarchal government, culture, and a society that has a contradictorily muted, and corrupted concern for women, and therefore society as a whole.


This could be a choice between going all Trump, W. Bush, Newt Gingrich, and Bill Clinton draft dodging — Jane Fonda commie peacenik, OR going full Spartan-300 warrior, testosterone snorting, numb-nuts, violent subjugator, Hulk-Hogan-Heroes. However, I am not asking one side to completely capitulate on their worldview. For example, having no military ready to protect us is very risky, and cannot and would not happen in a generation, let alone overnight. Nor am I suggesting it. On second thought, defunding men in the military and local male law enforcement due to their regularcomplicity in, and coverup of, domestic terrorism may be a good idea.

Basically, I am not willing to compromise on the safety of our [two] daughters, wives, sisters, and mothers, or their children. I have known a number of men who are gentle, caring, and thoughtful around everyone, yet could also wrestle a steer to the ground with their bare hands. And would stand up and do whatever the country asked of them, as long as the ask represented the best stewardship of their nation’s ideals. Of course, history tells me not everything each person wants is possible. This leaves me, you, and the rest of the nation, and planet, with the weight of determining how much more we can eradicate violence from our lives, and the lives of those we love, no matter their gender.


Not Just Violence Against Women In the Military, Yet…

This essay will be more focused on women, mothers, and their offspring, and all the violence perpetrated by the males in their lives because those actions provide a window into our society’s disheveled, dilapidated, and must be discarded, pungent patriarchal program. The reality for too many American men: as if spoken now by them in general… Honoring the concepts of chivalry [old military view], or treating women like equals [current societal view], is as reliable as preventing my next boner. The losing of my job [a.k.a. Call-of-Duty] requires shotgun blasts at my significant other, and children. Getting paid less than my wife is as life-threatening as an enemy sniper targeting her. The 2nd Amendment is revered so much by the brute and bully bullet cohort a gun cannot be used in the home against the abuser with a 5th Appendage. Women are the frontline brunt of men’s failures and feelings of inadequacy. That is the infamous War on Women reality. Thanks so much pernicious patriarchy!


Men will be men so we must have military approved sex-toys available to them just-off-base when they have needs, otherwise they will rape civilian-approved, sex-toys further off-base, or a closer-by female, or a different gender, enlistee. So we, as a society, write-off both our daughters having sex who are not getting paid (to be raped), and our daughters who get paid to have sex (and maybe raped). Yet what is worse, the patriarchy not allowing or providing all the livable-wage jobs our daughters need, as our sons more routinely get, OR they must gravitate into, or be forced to reside in, sex worker-ville? Although gender discrimination has decreased somewhat in some areas in the last half century, the current sexist, misogynist, and anti-feminist structure still guarantees that too many women will be forever economically and criminally coerced in the prostitution direction.


Some military leaders even promote sex-workers, and therefore sex-trafficking, as a necessary evil. Realize that the violence men mete out can also be as bloodless and banal as leaving behind their children to nearly starve, always struggle, and barely survive along with their mothers, whether after consensual, or casual relationships, prostitution, or the married then divorced with children set.

A Quick Portrayal Of Two Perspectives.

Patriarchal Influenced Responses:
• I am just a young kid, a boy with much of my life still to live.
• But she never told me she was pregnant?
• Why did she get an abortion? That would have been my grandchild even though my son did not remember the mother’s name, and fucked her only once, said the one-night-stand man’s mother.
• The pregnant woman should be more responsible than my sperm deliverer son.
• Abortions are wrong, and women should not wear such revealing clothes, contraceptives are against god too, and I never had sexual experiences that god does not like himself, so no one else should have bad sex, or be tempted, or not know that adoption is the only choice because it would be my choice, now. All good women should have the money, time, and ability to make every kind of decision, approved by me, and sanctioned by the religious ideas formulated, i.e. conveniently flip-flopped, in the last half century or more, by Roman Catholics, and conservative evangelicals.
Of course, if the woman is White like me, they can still get an abortion anywhere in the world no matter what the insurgent puritanical patriarch network decrees here. And yes, I got an abortion, but now I know it is wrong. So do not give anyone else the choice I had. America, the home of freedom as the Puritans saw it, liberty mostly for men, and various inequalities for people of color and all women.
• Sorry. I would have married her, or helped pay childcare, but I died in a forever war just after we had sex the first time, which is when I got her pregnant. But don’t let her get an abortion, just because I am dead, and she is poor, and shunned by her family, and mine. And don’t come up with a government program to help pregnant foreigners, or American women who are slu††y enough to have sex with a soldier too immature to be a soldier like me, an almost man not smart enough to use contraceptives, or a baby daddy wannabe who doesn’t write up a legal document to cover a possible impregnation during his immature sexcapades. I stand on the moral high ground because I am a man, and it wasn’t me who got pregnant, it was her. [a.k.a. He said, he said.] [††A title almost no promiscuous men are slandered with. Rather he is a conquerer, again inculcating/honoring the warrior raper mentality.]
A Reality Response Questionnaire:
• Sir, do you know what sexual intercourse is?
• Did you ever ask, or ever care if she was pregnant?
• Were you taught that sexual intercourse could produce a pregnancy?
• Do the rape, sexual assault, out of wedlock births, abortions, and other child and significant other abandonments, equate to late teens and early 20s’ men being too immature to go to war?
• Did your abstinence training not give you instructions for when you broke your — I will never have sex before marriage — commitment?
• Did your anti-contraceptive indoctrination not give you the brainpower to handle a noncompliance, horny moment?
• Did you know that your horniness much more easily overrides ineffective, and non-reality patriarchy, unsexed education?


Contraceptives, Abortion, & Unreceptive Piety.

Women who become prostitutes need enough money to raise their children, often raised by the mother alone because the parents disown them, or society forgets about them. And since the kind, priestly patriarchy — and its political minions — outlaw abortion, contraceptives where possible, and greatly limit government assistance, many pregnant, unmarried women, involved in prostitution or not, are one payday away from destitution. These restrictive and vindictive actions are encouraged by Catholic priests, and conservative pastors, most who seem to have no real understanding of how to managesexuality — as seen in their own sexual abuse scandals. Notice most are men?


Of course, if a woman wants an abortion, and can get one, they also need money for the abortion, or they needed contraceptives to prevent the pregnancy in the first place. The priest patriarchy justifies wars, and we all now see that priests and pastors justify prostitution, destitution, and rape as well. Thanks priesthood patriarchy! Ergo, no reason for the law to justify contraceptives and abortions, if baby-making warriors are more vital to mankind. Female freedom is not something to fight for, I guess.


The bigger problem with men who are horny, violent, and-or drunk, on patriarchy power, is it extends beyond the military into general society.


The men disappear, and get all the benefits from our daughters, leave them with hardships, and societal denigration, as the patriarchy looks the other way. According to the patriarchy: When men have satisfied themselves, the whole world rejoices, and feels safer from our enemies. Except for our daughters, who should never have worn short shorts, or been desperate for shelter, vulnerable, immature, misled, and-or poor, otherwise they would not have been raped and murdered for their country, or for a country in another military base backyard. It is as simple as women just controlling their lives better, whereas men must be free to escape life’s realities, except when they kill for our country. If they must trample on the freedom and future of women to fight and die for our patriarchal ideals, so be it.


The right-to-life, and the right-for-men-to-rape-and-seek-out-sex workers,seem to be connected. Abortions cannot occur without pregnancies. Pregnancy requires sperm. Most pregnancies happen during intercourse; there are few sexual intercourse pregnancies without involving a penis, and a vagina. Penises are found mostly on men. Therefore, most abortions are caused by men. Without men, few abortions would ever be needed. Yet men are absolved of almost all the worry, guilt, shame, piety persecution, and pariah status for the pregnancy or the abortion that may accompany their sexual activity. Right-to-Life then means our daughters are merely the vessels for men to rape, have casual sex, sex-worker sex, premarital sex, or marital sex, then disappear from responsibility. The patriarchy of preachers and priests, and their zealots protest against those mysterious clinics for unwed fathers as much as they protest at local, children-staged nativity scenes. Clinics for women instead are pummeled with all the wrathful, and hypocritical rioting imaginable. The patriarchy makes the rules for abortion, then removes themselves from legal or societal view. Thanks patriarchy!


In standard, tone deaf, blinders on, patriarchal irony, the only abortion law that almost was for men, would have given the father more power to control women’s bodies, i.e. putting women in double [male coercion-and-control] jeopardy. If anything, men should be punished for causing pregnancies, not given more power to control women. If a man wants to have some control over pregnancies, he should not be given this control when he cannot control his own libido. Before having sex he should work out the rules with his partner, a legal and notarized agreement is preferable, not after he has caused his damage. Getting a woman pregnant, and leaving her to deal with the pregnancy, or demanding she now follow the man’s rules, are both violence and damage done.


Men have no legal standing, as to pregnancies, if they are just delivering sperm here and there. Husbands get no more control over what a woman does merely because they have the blessing of the church, or a license from the county; at best this assertion of rights by men is a patriarchal boondoggle. No man should marry before he knows what his fiancé thinks about pregnancy, abortion, and other. If the boy-man is too stupid to learn about her preferences before marrying or impregnating her, why would society give that man more power after the fact?! Should such stupid men be allowed to marry, let alone impregnate or have children? While I cannot say I knew all the things I should have known about, or did do everything I should have, I knew my rules of life were not automatically transferred into the person whom I delivered sperm. Besides my rules of life sending any woman over the edge, it is best we all talk those things out, not presume every person we have sex with cares a shit about our rules of life.


Legally, & Law Enforcement, Allowed Abuse, Rape…

No longer should our legal structure be set up to abuse women. We are not the Latin lovers of Braveheart, where jus primae noctis was decreed, a.k.a. the right to first night. The powers-that-be have no right to rape the bride before her honeymoon, and neither should a bunch of old men who read ancient Latin documents be able to get their grubby and gross hands on our daughters’ and wives’ bodies.


Men must never be emasculated because they cannot help getting triggered or pulling one; it is better to beat, rape, or kill your wife, prostitute, girlfriend, or daughters of ours. One in four women in the U.S. are assaulted by men. Thanks again patriarchy! Yes, we men are working super hard for our 18% in higher pay.


The complete solution to rape and sexual assault is not prostitution or victim blaming, which occurs in some form in most or every culture. Also it is not curfews, incarceration, cops, or covering up sex crimes. Those are all lame, patriarchal responses or reactions to rape, and other sexual assault, not solutions. While completely eradicating such assaults may be unreasonable, anyone who gives up on finding additional real solutions for violence against women, may as well give up on other societal problems they hope to correct. For example, parental ignorance about sex, and their abuse of daughters who need complete and honest sex education, the abusive men in their lives, and a patriarchal system that does not facilitate a more female-friendly government and society, will never do much to reduce unwanted and untimely pregnancies, and the abortions they produce.


This patriarchal nation has a dangerous male and female disconnect including how we supposedly honor women, which is perverted, duplicitous, hypocritical, and racist. Imagine if we had used all the Drug War dollars to figure out how to stop 19 year-old soldiers from raping our daughters, or are working class women not really valued, since we push many women into prostitution because it pays the bills? We used to lynch Black men for whistling at a White girl, but America has over one million female citizens and others involved in sex work. We have killed Black Americans often for doing nothing, and even if most had been truly guilty of something, we, White males, lost our humanity rather than figure out the truth. This is after White American men raped, and impregnated at least a million Black women with impunity. White men wereno better, usually worse humans, because of our glaring hypocrisy and extreme behaviors. Too much of it still persists. White men have tore at, burned, shot, and hung Black Americans in mass mob actions because we had no control, and at best these men reinforced and kept deeply inculcated in their sons violence as a valid expression and solution to their angst, ignorance, and hate. What pitiful personal responsibility training. More double jeopardy patriarchal, and racist irony.


Just look at how rape kits are ignored, and therefore how little we really care about women, or the pregnancies produced by some percentage of those rapes. Such carelessness shows our lack of consistent caring, and those falsely accused of rape lynchings were not about any sense of protecting women. Furthermore, the reason for these lynchings was not just racism, which it was in extremely significant doses, the entire ugly action was a lie. Each such lynching that was supposedly about rape, was actually a complete false flag, i.e. from a chivalrous, honor protecting, or keeping our women pure, standpoint. Rather it was nothing but out-of-control hate, rage, and violence whether it was in reaction to a supposed rape, or other issue wrapped up in confused, and creepy, White male supremacy garble and garbage. We, White men in the case of most every lynching in America, lost our heads, and killed because men are more violent by nature and patriarchy nurture. Although authorities also often allowed, pled ignorance about, looked away from, officially sanctioned, and-or even participated in, these ugly White mob acts.


The primary way to limit that nature of ours, is for men to accept the defect as real, and personally and societally problematic, and make demands of ourselves and society to subdue its unruly energy. Reminding ourselves that the violence defect no longer benefits* society, and realize it damages others directly, indiscriminately, collaterally, and intentionally, when it is not controlled. Whether violence is required in some specific instances or not, such as in war, defending others, or in apprehending actual dangerous criminals, whatever violent or mere testosterone, energy remains, should not be directed towards other individuals, without their full and legal consent such as in sports. One group or individual should not have more power to hurt others due to their own mistaken and unconstitutional beliefs about who is subservient to who, or when falsely intuiting another person’s intentions, or guilt. Nor things done at one’s whim, simply because of your greater hormonal muscle mass, and-or the presence of a penis [which is, you men should remember, vulnerable to full-frontal eunuch-anasia].


  • *In previous eras, fighting, warring, and physical prowess had more day-to-day functions. Today, besides sports, mostly it is the bully and his band of brothers who benefit from physical aggressiveness. Anything else directly associated with typical male aggressiveness, has diminishing societal benefits as it inflates in volume, demands a wider presence, and greater gender exclusiveness. Generally, we know bad aggressiveness when we see him.


The Unwed Mother Bullshit.

There are three female cohorts that are coerced into prostitution: teenage runaways, sex-trafficked women, and women requiring higher paying employment than traditional women’s work to keep their families fed, clothed, and housed. We could eliminate most of this violence if the patriarchy actually cared about women, including those pregnant, or mothers with children. Instead we allow legitimate opioid drug dealers, i.e. Big Pharma, to kill working class White Americans at never seen before rates, and turn many into illegal drug, i.e. heroin, addicts as well. Plus we threw Black Americans in jail and prison at higher rates for longer sentences when they were doing the same thing White Americans did, and are doing.


Rather than helping unwed mothers, we shamed and shunned them. Worse yet, we put many missing Black fathers in prison, creating more unwed mothers, and future ex-con fathers, who still could not provide proper financial support, and be fulfilled individuals, because few businesses hire ex-cons. These unwed mothers also could not live with the fathers of their children because of punitive government housing policies. If the War on Drugs, usual suspect racist Law and Order bullshit, and overly restrictive housing, were not massive fluster clucks of bad, short term policies, there never have been any. Just another patriarchal, justified War on Women installment.


Men may require, want, and expect more sexual encounters with others, but our daughters, sisters, wives, mothers, and no others should be their sacrificial lambs, merely because the patriarchy has been, and still is, the war-on-women-powers-that-be-male.


Redressing this gender imbalance must come from a change in the underlying machinery. Removing the lying about the machinery needs to end first. Telling the truth about the origins and structures of the patriarchal program problem is required. Facing the reality on every side is another key element. Maybe all men need a sexual aggressiveness and power differential vaccination. Much of what evolution encourages men to do has become irrelevant because modern society generally transcends our excessively aggressive mentality and actions, and no longer requires our overcompensating sexual activities associated with our hardwired reproductive longevity.


One example of societal change in the last 200 years, is how nearly all state run militaries have eliminated the standardpractice of mass sexual assault and rape of those it conquers, as a reward for its soldiers. Obviously, we are not fully done moving further in a direction to end all such abuses, within both general society, and the military. There must be an increased cultural push, and stronger societal shift to eradicate deeper problems these historic practices implanted in the male brain, a.k.a. maniacal patriarchal misfires.


This push and shift is one way to end the abortion debate, and reduce unwed motherhood. However, since both will likely still occur because the dying patriarchy will not keep it in their pants, we must prepare the way to support women after we have done our damage. That preparation will include an automatic state responsibility, which means fully supporting the mother and children, or in supplementing, and retrieving the remainder from the father, no matter what situation the woman finds herself in. Additionally, men responsible for any unwed mother, or abortion situation should be charged with a class-one criminal felony, and tracked down within three days of reporting. Then jailed, or a certain level of wages garnered from them, unless they have a notarized legal pre-conception proving documentation, approved by the woman involved.


Every abortion is paid and approved by the state, or federal government, unless the documentation previously noted is signed prior to the conception event by the male and female involved. If no such pre-conception documentation is available before the pregnancy begins, all unwed mothers are fully compensated by the government, unless of course the father can pay all, or part of the standard rate for child support. Anything less would mean unconstitutional patriarchal, religious, and governmental oppression. Do we end the War on Women and children, or not?


My reasoning does not come from the perspective that women cannot defend or take care of themselves. It is to lift the oppressive structures — the perverted patriarchal program has engendered — off of women so they are no longer bound to those structures. Muscle-mass and testosterone levels will probably never be balanced, but our Constitution does not allow such distinctions to dominate. Therefore, any imbalance they create, should be tempered and restricted when necessary to end any domination it has created, or egregious actions it has caused, or is causing.
My father, RJC stopped his drunk father from beating my grandmother, and my mother, Dot thrashed the bullies that threatened her five brothers. Individually we can surpass any prejudice or traditional expectation, but a constitution and its laws should not allow one group to physically or societally dominate and bully another.


Patriarchal Sexual & Power Differential Dysfunction.

Consider the life of astronauts in zero g. The advantage derived from muscle mass and strength is in various ways eliminated. Additionally, long voyages in space can cause muscle atrophy. This would preclude even the most overly aggressive male from gaining the same level of physical power that they have on earth. While none of this is necessarily permanent, and much can be reversed or prevented via technological fixes, or simulated gravity, the way men and women interact would level off, if there were no fixes. Male physical aggressiveness would look more like a disorder than a benefit, especially compared to the female-male situation on earth today. These kinds of changes have been occurring on earth as well, without zero-g.


For example, a man traveling to a settlement many miles by sailing ship every so often to pillage, rape, and murder, wearing Viking horns and swinging a broadsword in 2021 would be considered someone with a severe mental disorder. However, a thousand years ago his pillaging and raping may have caused social disorder, but no one would think he personally had a mental disorder. So things have changed.


That said, some people today seem to think that calming men down another level or two, would constitute the beginning of a terrible slippery slope, descending to complete and overwhelming, poor-poor-pitiful-me emasculation. Yet that is a talking out of both sides of the mouth reaction. Men who fear such a change in their aggressiveness as a full capitulation of manhood, are also encouraging continued violence against women, and likely have very little self control.


Whether or not you think the statistics are correct that 25% of women will be physically abused in some way during their lifetime, and I have little doubt of its accuracy, everyone can agree the percentage is higher than zero. Men, with your updated realization that almost every pregnancy is caused by a penis inserted into a vagina, and mothers give birth to boys, and date, cohabitate, and marry men in high percentages, we can see that men are directly related in some way with most women. Therefore, when a woman is impregnated, hit, sexually assaulted, or raped, men are likely the cause.


Though women wear revealing clothes, or wear nothing, and men and advertising encourage it, and engender its wider acceptance, every puritanically provocative view is what men want, or have produced as part of the ruling patriarchy. The preachers, pastors, and priests to the entire prurient and perverted set have gotten together to create our current mix of the puritanical and the provocative. They support each other, while condemning the other. Many times they are the same person supporting their priests as they build their scantily clad, and violence-perpetuating, empires. These powerful standard-bearers of billions could do more to end discrimination and abuse, but they benefit too much from the status quo.


The male power-brokers above and the remainder of us men, must end our Jekyll and Hyde perspective, or at least to be consistent, choose one: paternally puritanical or pluralistically patriarchal. My choice is to end our schizophrenic spasms between the two extremes, and focus on a different goal that actually respects women, and wherever their feminism takes them. We, men must reduce our propensity for aggressiveness around women in most every way possible no matter how sexually provocative, or lack thereof, we perceive our viewing-point. Our exaggeratedly dangerous passions, or raging, hurt-ego anger, is a problem for us alone, and should not become a problem for anyone else.


Whether you and-or the woman is in a drunken stupor or not, with all her clothes, half her clothes, or none, or she is emasculating poor-pitiful you in any way, does not ever make her an appropriate target for the palm of your hand, your clenched fist, your brash boner, or weaponized whatever. Zip up all the explosive anger, reptile-brain violence, and hyper-decon-sexualized juvenility, or see your cowardly tiny-thinker thing snipped off.


Though violence begets violence, once that lil’ thinker has been-gotten snipped, there would at least be no more errant [pregnancy] begets.


A Conclusion.

The empire bred, patriarchy undead, powers-that-be-male is a dead man walking, failing our daughters, sisters, and mothers, and close-to collapsing, bygone-era chaff house. Sweeping its last remnants quickly off stage is a major key to putting America on a better — for the future — course.


Instead we just ignore our societal and personal responsibility to women. Narrow-minded, women’s rights-invalidating, puritan zealots, corrupt our Constitution, and stop our government from providing health insurance coverage for contraception, and abortion. Yet their politically puritanical, and limited-perspective piety, allows for every other abuse that women are subjected to because of impregnation precariousness. Moreover, men walkaway without a worry, and many with a drawer-full of government paid, health insurance provided Viagra, to continue delivering their sperm and violence patriarchy.

Patriarchy Explained: Men rule the day, as women rue every day thereafter.


The shallowness of the religious and patriarchal perspective, and the harshness it metes out, is a penis-inflicted power trip driven by male-pattern thoughtless subjugation, amd congenitally-panicked, unconstitutional regressiveness, unless you are an originalist anti-feminist misogynist. Such patriarchal dogmatism and dystopianism is rigor mortis on our future. We must break the undead bonds of White male supremacy, sternly incentivize the final death throes of patriarchy, and repeatedly deep-six, future misogynist, bully-muscled graveyard revivals.


By Richard The Chwalek.


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