My Magnum Opus & Eeyore Essay 3.27

Photo by Gene Gallin on Unsplash.

First published on Medium.


Once we have our successful insurrection…
Republicans will fully show how little we think blue lines, codes, or lives matter.


Nothing can be explained or solved by science…
Until a Republican pollster analyzes it.


There is something contradictory in GOP water…
Republicans say Biden and school teachers are too cautious about COVID, the same political party that says COVID is like the flu, masks do not work, herd immunity happens after everyone who is susceptible to COVID dies from it (actually that one is true, but f’ing ghoulish), that visiting in crowded bars is good for the economy of casket makers (again that one is true, but disturbing and ghastly),…


Social science is not real science…
Like Republicans are real Americans.


Criticism is not the same as sarcasm…
Like human is not the same as Republican.


Republicans often get angry when I write sarcastically about them…
Yet I try awful hard to be more sympathetic, yet I am only able to see their pathetic part.


Of course, even I admit we must try harder to reach across the aisle…
And shake the overwhelming, ever-living bullshit out of Republicans!


This essay was not meant to be solely focused on slamming the GOP…
Yet, I couldn’t find out much about them since there is no such thing as The Tree of Lacking Knowledge in Most Good Things. (Therefore, look for GOP knowledge here: Genesis, 66:6)


No matter what Dems say, the GOP has the best interests of Americans…
loyal to Donald Trump in mind, until Trump wants everything for himself, which is common. Remember, we literally don’t mean what we say, we mean what we get out of our loyalty, fealty, and groveling to our godhead, a.k.a. pumpkin man. Meanness to all who do not gush and fuss over him is also what we mean, literally.


There is absolutely no way I can rip on Republicans this entire essay…
Thankfully, I do not literally mean what I write as well.


The real problem is Republicans and Trump never really did enough to make fun of in an entire essay…
That’s because what Trump did the most of was done virtually.


We are in a fight for the survival of human life on earth…
But the Republicans are focused on getting bars opened


Making forward progress is what Democrats are focused on…
Unfortunately, Republicans have been successful at stopping or reversing much forward progress since 1981.


Voting rights are not important to a party that refuses to expand its base of voters…
Therefore, we have the Republican Party, a clannish junta of White supremacists.


Contributing to the common good had been a good idea back in the good old days…
That seems to be the only part of the past that Republicans do not want to go back to. Huh.


I am exhausted after thinking about all the unethical, illegal, and erroneous things Trump and the Trumplicans did…
Luckily, I am nearly at the end of my rope, hope… I mean kaleidoscope.


That brings me to the color-blind Republicans…
Their desire to make racism go away by wishing it away, ignoring it away, and white-splaining it away, has failed again. Failing the common good, the good decency test, and the OMG good measure metering.


By Richard The Chwalek.


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