My Magnum Opus & Eeyore Essay 3.24

Photo by Claire Anderson on Unsplash.

First published on Medium.
The world must bow to my desires…
Sure. But first curtsey this. Asshole!


The humor is getting harsher and harsher everyday…
Possibly, it is because you deserve it. Asshole!


It is like no matter what you say nowadays gets you a backhand…
Takes you a while to get the message, doesn’t it? Asshole!


There is nothing you can say to me that will make me change my mind.
Actually I am done talking. So I brought my lobotomy tools.


Wasn't lobotomy humor outlawed decades ago?
Not if it is funny. Asshole!


Haven’t asshole joke comebacks also outlived their usefulness?
No. Yet you have obviously outlived your youthfulness. Sagging asshole!


When a 6th rate comedian uses an a double comeback with a pun, some kind of pun threshold has been crossed.
Pal, I will Tripoli hot cross your puns. Asshole!


The last guy was on a tear…
Something an asshole can’t bear to bare.


I will now take a very serious turn…
Forgiveness for my trangressions above I hope to earn.


W.D. Lyons you’d never know because white privilege has never been…
Lyons, a Black Oklahoman, was wrongly convicted, and the Supreme Court ruled against him while voting on a ruling, one month apart, that made possible the release of a White Tennessean, Ashcraft, for basically the same reason. So the real rulings were White privilege for Ashcraft, and systemic racism for Lyons. Both men had been coerced into a confession, but W.D. Lyons was severely beaten on two different occasions, during one of them the District Attorney was present. The DA even alluded to his complicity when questioning Lyons on the stand! Ashcraft was “only” deprived of sleep for 36 hours. It was Thurgood Marshall’s first criminal case in front of the Supreme Court in 1944. Marshall went on to become a Supreme Court Justice in 1967.


White privilege becomes real when you have honest eyes to see it…
Those who do not see white privilege are merely passing Oklahoma wind down the plain.


Justice Delayed is Justice Denied is Systemic Racism still today…
W.D. Lyons spent over one year in jail before he was brought to trial.

And in 2010…

Kalief Browder, a teenager of 16, spent three years at Rikers Island, NYC jail without trial for allegedly stealing a backpack. For 400 days of his jail stay, he was in solitary confinement after trying to commit suicide. His family was unable to raise the money to pay his outrageous bail of $10K. The case was dismissed in 2013; he committed suicide at the age of 22.


No White American can even imagine being sentenced to life in prison AFTER the REAL murderers confessed without any coercion (and most White townspeople believed those White men did it) let alone White people actually getting sentenced after a Person of Color willingly confessed…
Yet the non-systemic racism society we call the Colorblind American Exceptionalism System did this non-white supremacy state thing in 1940s Oklahoma, to W.D. Lyons a 21 year old Black man, who didn’t benefit from our nonexistent-white privilege… Because the colorblind governor and the warden had to cover up their misguided policy that allowed most White convicts to roam around the countryside without supervision.

And from 2000-2010, not similar to above but complementary in many ways including White privileged and systemic racism…

Washington State sentenced to life imprisonment a White man convicted of killing 49 people, and admitted to killing 75–80. On the other hand, Washington State sentenced a Black to death for killing ONE person in an act of theft and rage, and executed him in 2010. That is the Colorblind State Of Affairs in an Exceptional America!


But The White Green River Killer was able to avoid the death penalty because he was going to tell the authorities about where other bodies were buried, and the Black defendant had nothing similar to offer…
Oh yeah, it is too bad the Black defendant didn’t kill 74–79 more people! Perfect.


When absurdity goes viral…
You know it is white supremacist Trumplicans in action.


White people will get angry when you say they have white privilege…
But when aren’t white supremacists angry about something?


I cannot see if someone has racism in their bones, heart, or mind…
That may be true, however, it can be detected in the response of a person accused of having white privilege.


By Richard The Chwalek.


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