My Magnum Opus & Eeyore Essay 3.20

Photo by My name is Yanick on Unsplash.

First published on Medium.
Donald Trump will appear in his first post POTUS Reality TV program.
He is scheduled to star in a live reenactment of Gary Troubadour’s The Great Pumpkin & Putin: A Love Horror Story.


In 1971, Nelson Rockefeller slaughtered 33 Black inmates at the Attica prison.
Rockefeller was a presidential candidate who had to show his true White humanity to those who were going to elect him. Remind you of anyone?


Hey, it was a different time back in 1971…
When slaughtering Black Americans made sense for political and societal purposes, being it was merely the white culture back then, just as slavery and Jim Crow were in their time. So white culture can also be as vile as it will and must be today, then tomorrow we can look back on it with indifferent, and nostalgic eyes.


Systemic racism cannot be a thing because it disappeared shortly after the 1960s.
David Hardy was an investigative reporter working at the NY Daily News in the 1980s when he began a racial discrimination lawsuit against the paper. While he won the lawsuit in 1989, Hardy couldn’t get a job after his lawsuit was over. And Hardy may be the greatest investigative reporter of all time including Woodward and Bernstein, both men working at desks on either side of Hardy in their early years. Of course, no white bread, supremacist-fed industry would hire a Black person that tattled on the systemic racism that pervaded an industry at that point, and still does. News media staffing today by the racist numbers.


White people have the greatest superpowers ever known to a flailing and failing society.
There is strength beyond comprehension when you have the whitewashing numbers and the political power. White people do not want to know the real racism statistics, or they powerfully deny them with the super inhuman strength and stench of their caricature.


It may seem like I am a self-hating White Cracker…
You are wrong. I am just the average White trying to crumble the rotten Cracker in me.


Are you an intimate partner abuser?
Get help, and leave others alone; it is your problem not theirs.


We cannot save everyone…
But start by helping someone, then someone else, then…


Inanity does run in the family.
Just ask Sean Hannity.


There is nothing more sublime than a deep, poetical rhyme.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the time so I can only do the bad limerick crime.


The 2nd Amendment is more vital than our First Amendment.
That’s because someone with a gun can make me agree with them.


If we must rely on our community to protect us, and not our own overwhelming firepower…
Why do we even have a Constitution, let alone a society, in the first place?


If you are unable to use a gun in your defense…
Then America cannot be held responsible for our proliferation of gun violence.


The reasons America is Exceptional, and other nations are not, include…
The ability to state our exceptionalism while not adding up all the reasons we are very much less than exceptional, at least in a good way.


I am not saying America is full of blowhards and boneheads…
Yet they pop up everywhere, all the time.


Americans who criticize America are often considered treasonous…
I would never criticize America or Americans until I held up my finger to see which way the wind was blowing. ☝️ And if you called me a traitor, I’d do similar in triplicate: 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼


If Americans were unable to dissent on the most important issues…
We would be living under the tyranny of an autocrat like Trump.


By Richard The Chwalek.


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