Birds of a White Feather Supremacy Together: The Anger Rages, Yet I Use It To Soberly Fight Systemic Racism.

Photo by thom masat on Unsplash.

First published on Medium.


Racism is not just a few bad apples problem. America’s barrel of Whiteys rotted through and through centuries ago. Some so-called christian denominations even sanctified the rottenness. Why do so many of these white birds of preying on people of color flock together? Never a decade where the chains were not on, or White backlash was not meting out its conscious, and subconscious bias, societal concussions. There is something about protecting White turf, so deeply corrupted that it comes out as rude, vile, and hateful racism. Worse yet, the atrocious justification for spewing such hate is deeply rooted in White culture, and the racist policies and practices it has feathered its bed with.


Did you hear me yell in uncontrolled anger a few minutes ago? I was reading a passage from a book about racism with multiple Minnesota authors. The woman describing the incident is Hmong American. I almost tore a page of the book as I read how she was abused in high school, and later in life. The ugly words of the white bigots directed my fist toward the page. Why do White people take time to hate on other people because of their skin color, or ethnic heritage? I know why, but I had enough, again! My well thought-out theory is that Whites have some kind of hate sac that we must purge every so often to make room for new hate. Birds, which are related to dinosaurs, have something like this to ventilate their lungs. There are ways to subvert this racist hate ventilation, but it is a difficult process, and many Whites are not able to do the hard work to override it.


I have not researched the full etymology on the term birdbrained, but there clearly is some correlation. The term is likely tied to property rights, which were very important to our White founders, who used its perverted and subverted iron cladpower to enslave Black people to work the land. These Whites also must protect the land from southern border invaders, who are coincidentally people of color, after Whites illegally and deplorably ejected people of color from most of the land. Contradictions and hypocrisy like that is confusing, and known to cause White males to get lost in their sadist and sanctimonious property rights ideology.

They end up squawking incoherently about how owning property is a right, and they don’t care if their ancestors were racist and wrong to steal it in the first place. Finally, like seagulls the Whites shit all over everything and everybody that disputes their landed-aristocracy stolen property, and supposed rights.


Dumb as a Dodo also comes to mind as I delve deep into the genetic makeup of Whites who spew racist hate, and that implicitly and explicitly support the policies and powers-that-be. The Dodo went extinct because it could not cope with its environment. Whites are showing the telltale signs of extinction due to their inability to adapt to demographic and cultural changes. Flailing at the future, and whining because the world doesn’t stay the way you want, didn’t help the Dodo. Hence the phrase, dumb as a Dodo.


The Dodo was one of the largest flightless birds in the world at the time. While the bird’s grounded stature was huge and important at a point in the past, Dodos lost the ability to fly due to their inability to play airily with others. The dumb as a Dodo stature is also common among Whites who see others as a threat or somehow deficient. How can you make friends when you are grounded, and see flyers for different cultural events as a threat to your future life, and fun times? This choice to avoid intermingling with, and accepting, others not like you, is deeply disturbing for Whites who expect their future to get off the ground.


The passenger pigeon was once the most abundant bird in the world. Then it went extinct. It was so full of itself, and its former prominence in everything, times a thousand, it was not ready when the winds changed. This change, which they saw coming for decades, caused their lung air sacs to be backfilled with bird shit, the origin of the term sacs of shit. They basically choked to death on their own bullshit. For this reason, it is hard to fault birdbrained White people for not catching on. Yet I still tend to fault them.


Their faults show up in a myriad of ways. With the birdbrained in power, there is no end to their racist dementia. White man shoots and kills people because having premarital sex is worse than mass murder, and he had a bad day. See Atlanta, GA. White cops arrest Black people for crimes as the same cops commit crimes to entrap them, and to fill their own police pockets with cash. See Mt. Vernon, NY. Other sacs of shit filled White Dodos call out Black people for swimming, barbecuing, or falling asleep on a chair in their dorm. You cannot make this sac-of-shit-filled up.


White land is so blissful it is a paradise of bias. So the paradise parrot is the perfect example of white people in their own minds. Whites say they are not racist, not because they are NOT racists, but due to their parroting programming. This programming is deeply ingrained. Whites have known for eons how blatantly stupid they can be. This gave evolution a chance in the last couple decades to reassess the situation. Finally they are parroting platitudes like, “I am not a racist; it’s you that is a… Reverse racist,” after something racist accidentally slips out (and they are confronted by a cell phone cam, or when they thought they were in a safe white space to be racist).


Unfortunately, like the paradise parrot, whites will go extinct that cannot grapple in an adult way with the changes around them. They can only lash out in the detrimental, white supremacy, parroting manner their family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, colleagues, politicians, and pundits do. Restricted by such limited neural activity, bird brains are more likely to utilize parroting, a simple language memory function. Yet it is stored deeply in their tiny brains, equalling deep this 🤏 much. Whites can be smarter than this, but ventilating their sacs of shit filled, and addled minds requires a thorough rooting out.


It would be easy to continue my tutorial on avoiding white insight extinction, and their birdbrained white supremacy tendencies, but it is really up to whites themselves to come out of their racist stupor. I am pretty sure the whites don’t want me to insinuate the cackling goose, the honeycreeper, or the laughing owl into this tutorial. Yes, it would be a dumb white cracker hoot. That said, I think it is best to leave it here. Whites can survive. But their same old, same old is tired, and out of time, and barred from any safe space.


Whites must shed their skin tarred with white supremacy degeneracy, and feathered with blissful white privilege ignorance. Let us also clean out our minds nested with infested, ingested racial lies, and our lives invested in bigoted clan ties. Scrape the bird shit off the rearview mirrors to our real history of oppression. Fully and forever ventilate the white sacs of shit, which we collected over four racist centuries. Then reroute our whole circulatory system to no longer oxygenate its birdbrained bullshit, and people of color hate that does systemic racist structures and policies perpetuate.

Now, like a good little Twitterer, tweet this essay viral.


By Richard The Chwalek.


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