My Magnum Opus & Eeyore Essay 3.13


Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash.

First published on Medium.

It is wrong to call a White person racist when you don’t know if it is in their heart, mind, or bones.
I am Trudy sorry. But did I… At least …Hit a nerve?


Hypocritical Republicans generate insanely severe taxing scheme…
Reading crazy conspiracies and other conservative claptrap taxes the brain of persons who think logically, and use facts to undergird understanding.


Yeah. Maybe there is extreme inequality in the world, even in America…
That doesn’t mean you need to focus on it enough to see how badly it hurts people every, single, fucking, day.


When a Republican says the debt is too high…
Ask them, then why are T-Bills (or Treasury notes) always the safest investment?


To have everything explained, even quantum physics, without nuance…
Listen to a Republican.


Never leave the house with a Republican…
They will always be locked and loaded with bullshit.


Give yourself credit for never doing a positive thing in Congress.
Simply excel at being a Republican.


Climate change is a hoax because…
God never said there would be days when CO2 emissions would cause a problem.


Never bet on the Republicans…
Because they are making sure everyone is more likely to fail, whether you are a Republican or not.


When Trump followers ransacked the Capitol, they did god’s work…
The god that grabs pussy (just in a locker room humorous way), that fucks porn stars (only right after its wife has a child), and that inanely and insanely tweets from a smart phone (missing the smart part).


We must have bipartisanship in this world at all costs…
Said nobody… I hope.


Economic theory as to government has two sides, austere budgeting and public investment.
Those against public investment have done everything themselves, never got a break from anyone or any government organization, at any time, for any reason. Of course, they first planted their own selves in the ground, even before they were born, watered and fed themselves, and survived only because they were destined to (after banishing all luck), and, and worked hard at their destiny, though that was also destined, therefore their circular logic created by their own twisted and selfishly destined, and detached from-the-real-world mind wins the day.
From the book, Living in a Republican Party Fantasy, and Invisible Single-Handed, Masturbatory Economy.


Republicans 2022 Slogan: Making the World Go Right…
Into a Dystopian Nightmare.


Reading a book, written by MLK’s close friend and lawyer Clarence B. Jones, about the Attica NY prison riot in 1971 because of their degradation and mistreatment they suffered, even torture by guards, 33 inmates killed, 85 wounded by guards and state troopers…
Jones was flown to Attica by the governor Nelson Rockefeller, along with many others including Black Panther, Bobby Seale to listen to their demands, and hopefully help end it peacefully. They asked for more time, and instead prison officials lied to Rockefeller who was running for president, saying they were torturing the guards who hostages, and other falsehoods. Jones says Rockefeller had blood on his hands for the massacre, the worst by the government since Wounded Knee.
Strangely, a number of the guards were KKK members. Huh. Imagine that. America, the land of sadistic white fucks who shouldn’t be in control of their own bladders let alone other people… of any color!


Forgiving oppressors is a fine idea…
If it is done after they are duly remorseful, and are imprisoned if White.


There is no reason to be angry at white people…
They know not what they do, deny their White privilege only because it is easy to be ignorant when you have White privilege, and they sit in their own feces of racist stupid most of their lives.


Anger is not the way to deal with anger…
Be a White person, and think everything is fine, in a place where privilege is abundant, and being blissfully unaware of bad racist things is super easy!


By Richard The Chwalek.


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