
Showing posts from March, 2021

My Magnum Opus & Eeyore Essay 3.17

Photo by   Jacob Bentzinger   on  Unsplash . First published on Medium .  . Yes, it is a wicked world. But remember… We mustn’t allow others to have all the fun. . I have always been able to say, there is never a time when violence is justified. Of course, I have never watched the Tucker Carlson Show either. . Bobby Kennedy was the epitome of white privilege. Though he once said, there is no such thing as white people or systemic racism, let alone wealth and power privilege. Just say it isn’t so whitey, and it isn’t. . Many people have an aversion to the truth… Why are Americans always pigeonholed when this topic of discussion comes up? . White privilege is a lie Black people   tell to make you think   slavery was a bad thing,   and that you would have   hated being a slave too. . Remember, when I criticize America, I actually hate America… Just like a Republican, who storms Capitol Hill to stop the vote for president provided in the Constitution,...

A Parallel To Politics Platform.

Photo by   Ningyu He   on  Unsplash . First published on Medium . . How do you begin something that has so many connective elements? Where does a complicated yet necessary conversation get started? What if we wanted to solve a policy matter you are most concerned about, yet also mine, and a thousand others?   We all go to our a local politician, a state legislator, and congressperson, but if that has been done, is still being done, and must continually be done,   will any of us change the political policy dynamic?   Hopefully. Maybe. Probably not.   This is a constant, often impossible dilemma to escape from. . The dilemma is even more impossible when you consider every valid policy desired. Yes, I   could   be an exceptional advocate for my issue or issues, but it is likely only a few, out of many exceptional advocates, will break through the muddle. Also think of how many fade away just before their goal could have been accomplished. The po...

U.S. Exceptionalism vs. Our Faults, Failures, Fraudulence, Fratricides….

Photo by   Josue Isai Ramos Figueroa   on  Unsplash . First published on Medium . . Sitting atop our high horses’ asses, Americans exude amazing piles of waste product. We have done a lot of good, but we have done almost as much at pretending it was all good, in many cases doing our best to cover up the badly done, or at least whitewash it. It hurts to be wrong, and have others point it out to us. That is why I have always done what is exactly perfect; I hate the feelings that come from being, or doing something, wrong, especially when it hurts others. . Of course, I only know about making mistakes from a   friend   who is kind enough to confide in me. Although his kindness is usually conditional.   He   tells me why such criticisms and revelations hurt, scar the psyche, and even piss a person off! Boy, that feels better to finally get off my chest, again for an   alternate persona friend . . America is like a supposed boy   genius   who...

My Magnum Opus & Eeyore Essay 3.13

  Photo by   Mathew Schwartz   on  Unsplash . First published on Medium . It is wrong to call a White person racist when you don’t know if it is in their heart, mind, or bones. I am Trudy sorry. But did I… At least …Hit a nerve? . Hypocritical Republicans generate insanely severe taxing scheme… Reading crazy conspiracies and other conservative claptrap taxes the brain of persons who think logically, and use facts to undergird understanding. . Yeah. Maybe there is extreme inequality in the world, even in America… That doesn’t mean you need to focus on it enough to see how badly it hurts people every, single, fucking, day. The Broken Ladder Check out this great listen on A timely examination by a leading scientist of the physical, psychological… . When a Republican says the debt is too high… Ask them, then why are T-Bills (or Treasury notes)   always   the safest investment? . To have everything explained, even quantum physic...

How the 1960s Turbulence, Free Love, Drugs, and Rock & Roll Is Related To The Guillotining French Revolution.

Photo by   Thomas Curryer   on  Unsplash . . First published on Medium . . The French Revolution ended in death and destruction, then decades of on and off authoritarian monarchs, emperors, and others, oh my! The 1960s slid into Tricky Dick’s downfall, Swans Singing for Vietnam debacle, Disco, Ronnie Reagan, mass incarceration, welfare deformation, W’s Iraq War, and finally Traitor Donnie Trump, a boar bore. Of course, conservatives like to blame the 1960s on other occurrences and changes in society over the last five decades. That said, if we compare what the baby boomers did to what inspired the French Revolution, we can see both clearer. . Obviously, guillotines were never employed during the mid 20th century in the United States. Yet, there was a national, and more intensely, racially construed and pursued,   law and order   clamp down , during and after the riots in Watts, around passage of the civil rights acts, due to Martin Luther King’s murder, and prot...