My Magnum Opus & Eeyore Essay 2.17

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

First published on Medium.

Racism is not systemic because I don’t see systemic. I am systemic-blind.


The way black Americans are treated in this country is not any different than a white American caught with a bucket of history, and current data, whitewash.


We will not and cannot pay slavery and Jim Crow reparations because our irresponsible ancestors that created, and allowed these systemic horribles palmed it off on us.


There can only be two genders: the males who made these rules, and the females that must follow them.


Women should be women. Men should be men. Everyone else should have gotten the memo from the wrongheaded, godhead office.


We must listen to our religious leaders when it comes to sexuality and gender because they previously stoned to death anyone who thought for themselves.


Homosexuality is wrong because the Pope reads a cryptic, ancient book many unknown people wrote, and others later translated, that he must also interpret for us.


Global warming can’t be true because there was once a lot of press about the earth going into a cooling period due to aerosols in the 1970s. (Ironically, the earth cooling hypothesis was debunked by the scientistthat first proposed it!)


Remember congregants; hate the sin, and love the sinner. However, if that causes others to hate the sinner, fire, or hurt them, what can we christians do about it?!


Love thy neighbor as yourself, unless they are gender non-conforming, and kick them out of your home until they repent or die.


Take heed of the Catholic Church’s expert advice on sexuality. (Even though for two millennia it has had no success with gay priest conversion therapy, or been able to stop sex abuse in their pedo “priestly” ranks.)


Abortion is wrong because conservative southern christians wanted segregation.


American christians are more persecuted today than at any time in their ahistorical minds.


We had an insurrection on January 6 because cops suck, and the Constitution wants us to play by the rules.


We had an erection on January 6 when Donald Trump said he would walk with us arm in arm to the capitol. (After that liar’s march of testosterone interruptus, you also would get angry, and rip shit up! Trump left us high and dry.)


Nothing prepared me for such autocracy, theocracy, and hypocrisy. I must go confess my hate the (pompous priest, pope, president, and pastor) sinner sins.


By Richard The Chwalek.


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