
Showing posts from February, 2021

My Magnum Eeyore & Opus Essay 2.19

Photo by   Umanoide   on  Unsplash First published on Medium . . The writing is on the wall; The thief that keeps giving the all of others: a very productive plagiarist. . They approached the capitol with a deep love for this country in their hearts… And in their angrily thrusting, hate-filled hands, the American flag. . Trump did nothing wrong; He merely   suggested   his followers kill every democrat, and RINO in a raging mad melee. . The worst thing to do in Texas is expect government to work in your interest. The best thing you can do is leave a mess as you leave Texas. . Wake up, and smell the piss and vinegar. A not-quite-there idiom for the old get up early, and   go   now, exerciser. . We have nothing to gain by raising a stink about the climate. The world is better off not knowing its fate. People might panic, and do something. . Republicans hate regulations. Texans love freezing to death. . I became xenophobic from a bumper sticker. . I am n...

A Theoretical Political Physicist Reverses Our Polarity With A Better Democracy Card Schtick

Photo by   AJ Garcia   on  Unsplash First published on Medium . . I have read a number of books on   quantum physics . Nothing terribly, mathematical-equation heavy so I can only give you a rough outline of the physics. However, the history of how the scientists got to the next stage of advances in the quantum realm is enlightening all on its own. . Breakthroughs were often rejected by the dinosaurs. At other times the   ah-ha moments   never came, it was a research paper a researcher found that was written by someone else, years before. Not many people had heard about it, let alone read, and promoted it, so the idea languished, as the paper collected dust, until it was rediscovered. In politics it is a lot easier to come up with at least   plausible   ideas, but tougher to get through all the rumbling and wrestling. Workable ideas may become obsolete before anyone notices them. . The process that matured over a number of years into my comprehensi...

My Magnum Opus & Eeyore Essay 2.17

Photo by   Jen Theodore   on  Unsplash First published on Medium . .  Racism is not systemic because I don’t see systemic. I am systemic-blind. . The way black Americans are treated in this country is not any different than a white American caught with a bucket of history, and current data, whitewash. . We will not and cannot pay slavery and Jim Crow reparations because our irresponsible ancestors that created, and allowed these   systemic   horribles palmed it off on us. . There can only be two genders: the males who made these rules, and the females that must follow them. . Women should be women. Men should be men. Everyone else should have gotten the memo from the wrongheaded, godhead office. . We must listen to our religious leaders when it comes to sexuality and gender because they previously stoned to death anyone who   thought for themselves . . Homosexuality   is wrong because the Pope reads a cryptic, ancient book many unknown people wro...