White Americans Make Riots Happen
The first thing many, maybe most whites will do is deny we have any riotous involvement. How could we Whites be the cause when we are hardly ever seen rioting? Yet there have been infinitesimally few riots where whites were not the central cause . While Ku Klux Klan- type white supremacy was often an instigator, it is the larger white supremacist cohort (see image text below) , which includes most white Americans throughout our history, that has created the greater context, the massive matrix of unlit matches you could say, especially today. Even when riots "instigated" by blacks are included in our rioting history, white structured society would be the true culprit of our significant riotous past, our very recent past as well . The evidence to support this claim is infinite, and begins below. The definition of the term riot can be narrowed down to limit the political formations of violence to exonerate state violence, or violence by preferred citizens. Instead I define ...