Democracy As ‘Mob Rule’ Is The DesPot Calling Their Kettle Flak
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo / Unsplash , Kettle Black . Look closely at the context when a conservative uses the epithet mob rule to denigrate democracy, or democratic actions. There is an underlying problem with this designation, and it relates to the situations where a mob is actually harmful, and where the mob rule epithet is used against positive social, political, and economic changes we demand. . In a previous essay , I noted how an angry mob , or mob mentality is what everyone is thinking of when mob rule is brought out to besmirch something that is close to pure democratic rule. Ironically, this association is never used when conservative violence-oriented belief systems are being instituted. Think about it. When there is an emotional legislative topic, such as war, abortion, guns, crime, or state killing as in the death penalty, the angry mob and mob mentality are trotted out in full force to defend their positions. Exactly where high emotional language is their stock an...