
Showing posts from December, 2020

Democracy As ‘Mob Rule’ Is The DesPot Calling Their Kettle Flak

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo / Unsplash , Kettle Black . Look closely at the context when a conservative uses the epithet mob rule to denigrate democracy, or democratic actions. There is an underlying problem with this designation, and it relates to the situations where a mob is actually harmful, and where the mob rule epithet is used against positive social, political, and economic changes we demand. . In a previous essay , I noted how an angry mob , or mob mentality is what everyone is thinking of when mob rule is brought out to besmirch something that is close to pure democratic rule. Ironically, this association is never used when conservative violence-oriented belief systems are being instituted. Think about it. When there is an emotional legislative topic, such as war, abortion, guns, crime, or state killing as in the death penalty, the angry mob and mob mentality are trotted out in full force to defend their positions. Exactly where high emotional language is their stock an...

Stopping The Spread Of Nonsense

  The Shit Spreader That Is Trump (Photo:  Randy Fath / Unsplash ) First published on Medium . . We have crested atop the fabrication and falsehood epoch. Trump did his bestial worst to turn the nation into a large lying sack of horse spit . Thankfully , the spreader of poo, and his spew crew, has died down to a mere slow, floundering burn of sickness, stupid, and speciousness. Therefore, I am able to finally turn my energies toward assessing the damage, and figuring out the way forward. . My research is not completely thorough on all the proposed government actions, internet applications, or general theories of how to reduce conspiracies and other attacks on logic, science, and facts. Nor have I found out how to prevent the violence against people and the environment falsehoods can elicit. However, I have read enough to know we do not currently have an implementable, all encompassing conspiracy-removing solution that still allows all other civil communication to occur. . T...

When Private Sector Siloing Is Bad For The Economy, And Workers…

Farm Across From Us, Recently Torn Down. First published on Medium . . Developing a silo sector business model is a great way to differentiate and build a niche clientele. I started a business in 2000 called NicheAgency; I owned the website address as well, then years later I developed an even more niche specific business. My competition was similar businesses, neither business model was holding any worker back. The job-applicants-seeking-work industry is another story; while not the only obstruction, they are unwittingly thwarting the employment of many millions of Americans. . Though those siloed employment shops, or wider, but still siloed giants like LinkedIn , are not to blame. No person or company is. Neither is this dilemma something I could blame solely on laissez faire capitalism. That said, the situation should change; actually it must change for the nation to advance. The United States will not keep up economically with massive populations like China, and longer term I...