
Showing posts from November, 2020

Democracy Dies: Unless ‘We The People’ Powerfully Reconstruct And Revive Real Populism.

 Essay first published on Medium . The rush to create a Constitution in 1787 , due to rebellion and divisions among the states, likely made our democracy possible. Today, our precious incrementalism has turned farcically harmful. The more we debate a great idea, the less time we have to legitimately deliberate on, and successfully implement, a nearly great solution. Worse yet the once great idea is reduced to a caricature of its original form. . Nothing is ever perfect that humans finally get their hands on; that is why the nearly great solution. That said, we hold on longer, and mess with things even more than normal imperfect humans should. Stalling, obfuscating, and ranting do not give debate more value. . American Ingenuity Turned To Goo. . We The People still have great, big ideas, but as we debate them over and over again, they ooze out as gray matter goo. Our attempts to solve colossal problems becomes a blended brain matter drainer. Then we squeeze, and strain ...

Firing Up Superposition Liberal And Conservative Reptile Brains.

Campfire behind our home, near the cornfield… Essay first published on Medium . Chaos and random events are occurring all the time at various levels, and is required for order to reorder effectively into another, unavoidable stage. Conservatives want to prevent all chaos and randomness, and therefore the next stage of unavoidable change, similar to a region that continually suppresses forest fires to prevent damage to the human made structures, and the injury or death of its residents. . The Analogy Expression. Yet after awhile, practicing suppression becomes dangerous, and all suppression efforts are overwhelmed, causing massive damage and calamitous results much worse than if suppression would not have been the main part of the plan. The inelasticity of the conservative, reptile-brain function, in either party depending on the issue, makes likely an implosion or explosion once suppression fails. . Unfortunately, those are the results residents demand , through their lack of desire f...

Thriving Democracies Require Truths Backed By Agreed On Facts

Oak Tree In Front Of Our Home Essay first published on Medium . Truth is more than what people say it is. Evidence must be formed in certain ways to verify it; otherwise we would not be able to truly communicate with each other. It is very basic stuff; agreeing on what a dollar buys is a truth . In the 21st century we must agree that the virtual digits posted on our online bank accounts are exact representations of truth. On the other hand, it would be nearly impossible to convince any of the American founders that digital money is a truth. . Updating our knowledge of truth is therefore necessary to stabilize our democracy. Some truths continue to hold up; others are on a less stable footing. Unstable truths, with any history at all, are the most contentious. The truths about abortion, gay marriage, and LGBT rights in general, likely top the current social debate. The form of economic theory we utilize is another big truth we wrestle over. Systemic racism, structural racism, and raci...